Best DotA 2 Offlaner For New Patch 7.33e

Resurrecting Offlane Undying Guide

Best Dota 2 hero

The offlane role in dota 2 is referred to as a ”position 3”. We all know how difficult this role is because you have to play as a vanguard for a team and for that you need a tanky hero or a fighter hero.


Well in 7.30 “UNDYING” got a huge buff and is considered as the Best Dota 2 Offlaner.So you need to understand why this hero is a very good farmer now and wasn’t in the past. Before ”Decay” used to do less damage to the creeps that is no longer the case now, because now decay does maximum damage to creeps.


So now it’s your farming ability on top of that at level 10 you have +55 decay damage from which you can only two shots the lane creeps isn’t it amazing?. This is such a valuable talent because you can kill the entire creep wave in just 5 seconds. Lastly, undying can take ancient creeps  with help of its tombstone, you can easily take 5 to 6 stacks of ancient creeps in 10 mins of game. With this talent and all you need to do is spam decay on top of that.

Lanning Phase

Let’s talk about the laning phase. It’s just simple to take decay on level 1 and spam on to the enemies; it will give you strength and +8 dmg which is ridiculous.

The first item you need in the laning phase is “Soul Ring” because your hero has low armor and also has mana problems. After that you can build ”phase boots” it completely solves the physical damage problems in the laning phase.

Lastly one more thing whenever you pick offlane undying make sure that your position 4 can help you in laning stage and who can help you stacks ancient creeps and the neutral camp, it’s best with the heros like kotl,silencer,bane or even windranger because these hero can help you gain early exp.


The reason I mentioned these heroes is because they have great disable, so when you use your tombstone you know that they can help you in getting kills.


Let’s jump into itemization, it’s quite simple. You need to make ”ECHO SABRE” as your first item then into “BLINK DAGGER” and after that you can buy “SHARD”. With shard you can create zombies on every hit on top of that it reduces your ultimate time and echo sabre will help you in making more zombies and lastly of course the blink dagger for initiation.


So just imagine you have these 3 items in 20 mins of game and you just pop your ultimate and jump on to the carry, so you are tanking and fighting this is why this hero is so much broken in this patch. After that you can build “BKB ”. Now you guys might be wondering why not rush agha after that?. The reason is your hero has no stuns and it can be kited easily, so you need the bkb in order to slow down the enemies with help of zombies and your ult.

How To Take Roshan With Undying

Another nice thing about undying is how good this hero actually is in taking roshan because of its ultimate. The ultimate put the debuff on the rosh which means roshan takes extra 35% damage when you are level 18 from every single source of damage which is insane.


On top of that you can create zombies by hitting roshan thanks to shard and we all know how difficult it is to fight on the rosh pit specially if the enemy has undying, if enemy interrupts you can always use tombstone.

Space Maker

So with these items you can literally one or two shot enemy supports because it has so much dps after that you can rush agha or lotus or even shiva depending on the enemy heroes and their item build. This hero as an offlane can carry the whole game because with this item build you can tank,fight,initiate and can create tons of space for your carry to farm and help you win team fights.

Final Verdict

This is the Best Dota 2 offlaner in 7.30 because this hero has a lot of potential. This build is quite unique because you can flash farm from stacks and bully people in team fights and also it’s a lot of fun,  just make sure that your supports have stuns and disables. GOODLUCK! If you still believe that you can not play undying on your own, you can choose dota 2 boosting and allow professionals to play and win for you. 


Resurrecting Offlane Undying Guide

Best Dota 2 hero

The offlane role in dota 2 is referred to as a ”position 3”. We all know how difficult this role is because you have to play as a vanguard for a team and for that you need a tanky hero or a fighter hero.


Well in 7.30 “UNDYING” got a huge buff and is considered as the Best Dota 2 Offlaner.So you need to understand why this hero is a very good farmer now and wasn’t in the past. Before ”Decay” used to do less damage to the creeps that is no longer the case now, because now decay does maximum damage to creeps.


So now it’s your farming ability on top of that at level 10 you have +55 decay damage from which you can only two shots the lane creeps isn’t it amazing?. This is such a valuable talent because you can kill the entire creep wave in just 5 seconds. Lastly, undying can take ancient creeps  with help of its tombstone, you can easily take 5 to 6 stacks of ancient creeps in 10 mins of game. With this talent and all you need to do is spam decay on top of that.

Lanning Phase

Let’s talk about the laning phase. It’s just simple to take decay on level 1 and spam on to the enemies; it will give you strength and +8 dmg which is ridiculous.

The first item you need in the laning phase is “Soul Ring” because your hero has low armor and also has mana problems. After that you can build ”phase boots” it completely solves the physical damage problems in the laning phase.

Lastly one more thing whenever you pick offlane undying make sure that your position 4 can help you in laning stage and who can help you stacks ancient creeps and the neutral camp, it’s best with the heros like kotl,silencer,bane or even windranger because these hero can help you gain early exp.


The reason I mentioned these heroes is because they have great disable, so when you use your tombstone you know that they can help you in getting kills.


Let’s jump into itemization, it’s quite simple. You need to make ”ECHO SABRE” as your first item then into “BLINK DAGGER” and after that you can buy “SHARD”. With shard you can create zombies on every hit on top of that it reduces your ultimate time and echo sabre will help you in making more zombies and lastly of course the blink dagger for initiation.


So just imagine you have these 3 items in 20 mins of game and you just pop your ultimate and jump on to the carry, so you are tanking and fighting this is why this hero is so much broken in this patch. After that you can build “BKB ”. Now you guys might be wondering why not rush agha after that?. The reason is your hero has no stuns and it can be kited easily, so you need the bkb in order to slow down the enemies with help of zombies and your ult.

How To Take Roshan With Undying

Another nice thing about undying is how good this hero actually is in taking roshan because of its ultimate. The ultimate put the debuff on the rosh which means roshan takes extra 35% damage when you are level 18 from every single source of damage which is insane.


On top of that you can create zombies by hitting roshan thanks to shard and we all know how difficult it is to fight on the rosh pit specially if the enemy has undying, if enemy interrupts you can always use tombstone.

Space Maker

So with these items you can literally one or two shot enemy supports because it has so much dps after that you can rush agha or lotus or even shiva depending on the enemy heroes and their item build. This hero as an offlane can carry the whole game because with this item build you can tank,fight,initiate and can create tons of space for your carry to farm and help you win team fights.

Final Verdict

This is the Best Dota 2 offlaner in 7.30 because this hero has a lot of potential. This build is quite unique because you can flash farm from stacks and bully people in team fights and also it’s a lot of fun,  just make sure that your supports have stuns and disables. GOODLUCK! If you still believe that you can not play undying on your own, you can choose dota 2 boosting and allow professionals to play and win for you. 
