Juggernaut Dota 2 build – Complete Guide 2024

Juggernaut item build

This is my complete guide which will not only tell you how to play Juggernaut(Broken Built) but also help you improve your game sense while playing a carry.

If you are facing the following issues then this is the best guide for you to read.

  1. When you play carry, your offlaner throws the game.
  2. When you play support, your carry throws the game.
  3. You are tired of your carry who can not farm fast.

In today’s guide, I will go through each and every aspect of this new Juggernaut magical meta which will help you win almost every single game and you will not have to rely on others. You must be thinking how can we play a magical Juggernaut instead of physical damage.

As we know, the last major update where Aghnamins shards were added in gameplay.


Many of us focus on making major physical items on juggernaut and don’t even bother to notice what actually the shard does.

Keeping one thing in mind that if  you are going to play magical juggernaut, your item built must be different than the typical one.

Playing juggernaut has its own charms so let’s get into it.

First start with why choose juggernaut? 

Juggernaut is considered as one of the strongest carries in the new meta. Juggernaut has the ability to hunt, escape and farm as well to maintain the net worth unless like other core carries for example Phantom Lancer, Medusa, Drow, Void etc.

These carries need a lot of space to make it grow stronger whereas Juggernaut can not just farm but also gank once the ultimate is ready. You can easily push lanes with your blade fury and if you get a sense that you are about to get ganked, you just have to open blade fury and teleport out.

How to win against counter picks? 

In this new meta of aghanims shards, it is very hard for the enemy to counter juggernaut in this game but you need to have a good tank and support in your game if you want to win the gank and game eventually because you are going magical with blade fury and that five seconds are very crucial for you.

Also you need good support to lockdown or disable the carry so that you can easily do massive damage with blade fury.

However, Juggernaut may be one of the best cores out there but always keep in mind that a support with lockdown can easily hunt you down with a team so always keep an eye on the map.

What items to build on Juggernaut? 

Your items built is the key to win the game, also everything depends on your starter items to middle and late-game items. All of you should know that starter items totally depend on who you are laning against.

If you are against some harassers then you will definitely buy a ring of armor or ring of regeneration to make sure your farming pattern is not disturbed.  Laning against Legion? How about you get a ring of regen because she will keep on using the first skill so drain your HP while you are farming.

item juggernaut dota 2

Laning against some hitter offlane? Just get armour to sustain in the lane.

Lets just not forget that magic wand is MUST. Most of us do not even buy it and the drawback is that we keep on calling courier for regen items.

dota 2 juggernaut items

Phase boots or Power treads? 

I always go with the phase boots built because with this broken magical meta, you can easily catch the enemy heroes using fury. Phase boots help to move fast which means eventually more last hits in lane as well as jungle.

juggernaut items dota 2

What to create after boots? 

Your first priority should be getting a maelstrom because we are going magical here. With phase boots you have the maximum movement speed and maelstrom will help you acquire attack speed with magic chain damage. The pain purpose of getting this item is to get magic attack speed.

juggernaut dota 2 item

After completing maelstrom, the next item should be yasha and then manta. Obviously we can debate whether we make manta or Sange Yasha but I most of the time go with Manta because it helps you disjoint many spells and make you survive more in gank and escape as well.

With phase boots, maelstrom and manta, you become strong enough to survive. You can easily get these items within 20 minutes of the game if you are well capable to farm and gank.

dota 2 juggernaut mask

Buy Aghanim’s Shard

Here comes the main deal, once you get shard, your movement speed will be increased and you will do increased magical damage every second.

Once you acquire a shard, you can easily eat the support hero just by using bladefury. Already having phase boots with max movement speed you can do massive magical damage.

juggernaut guide dota 2

Also, with these items, juggernaut eats pudge, wk, mars and many tank heroes within bladefury.

All you need is one support with you and everyone will start running from Juggernaut. The plus point of this build is that many people are not aware of this shard tectic and they just wait for your fury to end but actually its their end that they are waiting for.

What’s next after Shard? 

Buying Aghanim’s scepter is the key to wipe the gank. First you use bladefury to eat supports or some of their heroes and after that you look for an opportunity to either use ultimate or fury swipe.

Once getting Aghanim’s scepter, I always get Eye of Skadi because this item is becoming core against tank heroes to reduce their regen and to decrease the attack speed of agility heroes.

After that you are left with Money King Bar because to strike pure damage. It is a good item against heroes that are using evasion.

juggernaut items dota 2

Let’s just not forget Abyssal blade to bash because bash is very necessary for juggernaut. If your hero can not bash the enemy, they can easily escape or teleport out so this is one of the best items that you should carry.

How to farm fast? 

dota 2 juggernaut arcana

Fast farm is the key to gain net worth. If you are able to farm fast, you will be able to get items way earlier than your opponent.

You start with your safe lane farm, always to to get as many last hits as you can because it does not matter what and try to hit the enemy support or hero while the creeps are fighting, playing aggressive with your support is the key to win lane. If you find that you are not able to farm in lane, no worries, try to take jungle camps for farm.

Failed in lane because they have long range heroes? You can’t even hit a single creep? Try to swap lanes if the lane seems impossible to handle.

At 10 minutes, you should swap the lane and start pushing top, your main focus should be finding free space to farm and it also creates pressure on the enemy team that Juggernaut is farming.

You can only win the game if you are controlling the map. Each and every decision of yours creates an action for the enemy team.  You see that your enemy is trying to push mid and you are not in the state of taking a fight, find the free lane and start pushing it. Enemy will be forced to turn back to get a kill on you.

If you want to learn how to do the best map controlling, you can watch BSJ videos for more. This dude is one hell of a coach. His videos are very informational.

Should we buy a dagger or not? 

Buying a blink dagger totally depends on who you are facing? If you find it normally difficult to catch these heroes, you can simply get a blink as your 6th item and just jump and fury swipe. However, if you have Abyssal blade, you can stun them for a time period to deal damage.

Final verdict

Juggernaut is considered as one of the powerful carries which can easily farm fast and do massive damage. This broken build is so action-able these days that everyone should definitely try for once and see how good it feels to play juggernaut like this.

Visit our website for more blogs and DotA 2 opportunities if you want to increase your rank faster!

Leave your comments and share your thoughts with us on this guide. You can also read our other blog about shadow fiend guide on our website.

Juggernaut item build

This is my complete guide which will not only tell you how to play Juggernaut(Broken Built) but also help you improve your game sense while playing a carry.

If you are facing the following issues then this is the best guide for you to read.

  1. When you play carry, your offlaner throws the game.
  2. When you play support, your carry throws the game.
  3. You are tired of your carry who can not farm fast.

In today’s guide, I will go through each and every aspect of this new Juggernaut magical meta which will help you win almost every single game and you will not have to rely on others. You must be thinking how can we play a magical Juggernaut instead of physical damage.

As we know, the last major update where Aghnamins shards were added in gameplay.


Many of us focus on making major physical items on juggernaut and don’t even bother to notice what actually the shard does.

Keeping one thing in mind that if  you are going to play magical juggernaut, your item built must be different than the typical one.

Playing juggernaut has its own charms so let’s get into it.

First start with why choose juggernaut? 

Juggernaut is considered as one of the strongest carries in the new meta. Juggernaut has the ability to hunt, escape and farm as well to maintain the net worth unless like other core carries for example Phantom Lancer, Medusa, Drow, Void etc.

These carries need a lot of space to make it grow stronger whereas Juggernaut can not just farm but also gank once the ultimate is ready. You can easily push lanes with your blade fury and if you get a sense that you are about to get ganked, you just have to open blade fury and teleport out.

How to win against counter picks? 

In this new meta of aghanims shards, it is very hard for the enemy to counter juggernaut in this game but you need to have a good tank and support in your game if you want to win the gank and game eventually because you are going magical with blade fury and that five seconds are very crucial for you.

Also you need good support to lockdown or disable the carry so that you can easily do massive damage with blade fury.

However, Juggernaut may be one of the best cores out there but always keep in mind that a support with lockdown can easily hunt you down with a team so always keep an eye on the map.

What items to build on Juggernaut? 

Your items built is the key to win the game, also everything depends on your starter items to middle and late-game items. All of you should know that starter items totally depend on who you are laning against.

If you are against some harassers then you will definitely buy a ring of armor or ring of regeneration to make sure your farming pattern is not disturbed.  Laning against Legion? How about you get a ring of regen because she will keep on using the first skill so drain your HP while you are farming.

item juggernaut dota 2

Laning against some hitter offlane? Just get armour to sustain in the lane.

Lets just not forget that magic wand is MUST. Most of us do not even buy it and the drawback is that we keep on calling courier for regen items.

dota 2 juggernaut items

Phase boots or Power treads? 

I always go with the phase boots built because with this broken magical meta, you can easily catch the enemy heroes using fury. Phase boots help to move fast which means eventually more last hits in lane as well as jungle.

juggernaut items dota 2

What to create after boots? 

Your first priority should be getting a maelstrom because we are going magical here. With phase boots you have the maximum movement speed and maelstrom will help you acquire attack speed with magic chain damage. The pain purpose of getting this item is to get magic attack speed.

juggernaut dota 2 item

After completing maelstrom, the next item should be yasha and then manta. Obviously we can debate whether we make manta or Sange Yasha but I most of the time go with Manta because it helps you disjoint many spells and make you survive more in gank and escape as well.

With phase boots, maelstrom and manta, you become strong enough to survive. You can easily get these items within 20 minutes of the game if you are well capable to farm and gank.

dota 2 juggernaut mask

Buy Aghanim’s Shard

Here comes the main deal, once you get shard, your movement speed will be increased and you will do increased magical damage every second.

Once you acquire a shard, you can easily eat the support hero just by using bladefury. Already having phase boots with max movement speed you can do massive magical damage.

juggernaut guide dota 2

Also, with these items, juggernaut eats pudge, wk, mars and many tank heroes within bladefury.

All you need is one support with you and everyone will start running from Juggernaut. The plus point of this build is that many people are not aware of this shard tectic and they just wait for your fury to end but actually its their end that they are waiting for.

What’s next after Shard? 

Buying Aghanim’s scepter is the key to wipe the gank. First you use bladefury to eat supports or some of their heroes and after that you look for an opportunity to either use ultimate or fury swipe.

Once getting Aghanim’s scepter, I always get Eye of Skadi because this item is becoming core against tank heroes to reduce their regen and to decrease the attack speed of agility heroes.

After that you are left with Money King Bar because to strike pure damage. It is a good item against heroes that are using evasion.

juggernaut items dota 2

Let’s just not forget Abyssal blade to bash because bash is very necessary for juggernaut. If your hero can not bash the enemy, they can easily escape or teleport out so this is one of the best items that you should carry.

How to farm fast? 

dota 2 juggernaut arcana

Fast farm is the key to gain net worth. If you are able to farm fast, you will be able to get items way earlier than your opponent.

You start with your safe lane farm, always to to get as many last hits as you can because it does not matter what and try to hit the enemy support or hero while the creeps are fighting, playing aggressive with your support is the key to win lane. If you find that you are not able to farm in lane, no worries, try to take jungle camps for farm.

Failed in lane because they have long range heroes? You can’t even hit a single creep? Try to swap lanes if the lane seems impossible to handle.

At 10 minutes, you should swap the lane and start pushing top, your main focus should be finding free space to farm and it also creates pressure on the enemy team that Juggernaut is farming.

You can only win the game if you are controlling the map. Each and every decision of yours creates an action for the enemy team.  You see that your enemy is trying to push mid and you are not in the state of taking a fight, find the free lane and start pushing it. Enemy will be forced to turn back to get a kill on you.

If you want to learn how to do the best map controlling, you can watch BSJ videos for more. This dude is one hell of a coach. His videos are very informational.

Should we buy a dagger or not? 

Buying a blink dagger totally depends on who you are facing? If you find it normally difficult to catch these heroes, you can simply get a blink as your 6th item and just jump and fury swipe. However, if you have Abyssal blade, you can stun them for a time period to deal damage.

Final verdict

Juggernaut is considered as one of the powerful carries which can easily farm fast and do massive damage. This broken build is so action-able these days that everyone should definitely try for once and see how good it feels to play juggernaut like this.

Visit our website for more blogs and DotA 2 opportunities if you want to increase your rank faster!

Leave your comments and share your thoughts with us on this guide. You can also read our other blog about shadow fiend guide on our website.