Matchmaking Rating (MMR) is really just made of two numbers: Rank and Rank Confidence. Your Rank is an estimate of your skill, and your Rank Confidence is our confidence in that estimate. When you play a match, we adjust your Rank based on whether you win or lose. Your Rank Confidence also goes up, because now we have more data.
Before we continue, if you are looking to unlock your highest rank in this new season, you can place order here. Simply select your previous medal and number of games that you need.
Now calibration is changed into confidence. You need to have 30% confidence to unlock your MMR. If you confidence is 28% you just need 1 game to unlock your medal.
Important note: 2% confidence is given when you will win the game and 1% confidence is given when you lose the game. Your last game is very important for you to not just win, but play better. People are getting +100 to +1500 MMR if all games are won with high skill.
Now let’s talk about per rank points you will get after unlocking the medal. It totally depends on your gameplay, you can get +40 to +10 depending on how you play in game. The same is the case if you lose. Many players are using our service to unlock their rank, you can use our Dota 2 calibration service to complete your confidence up to 30% to get a higher rank!
To address this, we’re switching to a different algorithm called Glicko, which should let you quickly and accurately get matched with other players at a similar skill level. On the math side, Glicko lets us better factor a player’s Rank Confidence into our calculations, resulting in more accurate decisions about Rank gains and losses.
The switch to our new matchmaking system will feel a little like the start of a new matchmaking season:
- All players will be placed back into a short calibration mode, initially seeded by their previous rank.
- Calibration is no longer a fixed number of matches. Instead, a player is considered calibrated whenever their Rank Confidence is above a certain threshold.
- Upon calibration, it is likely that you will end up with a different medal than you had before. However, even if your medal changes significantly, you should expect to be matched with players of a similar skill level.
- Matches will no longer have a fixed MMR gain/loss. It will be variable based on a number of factors, including the Ranks and Rank Confidence of the participants. However, we will cap the gain/loss per match to prevent particularly negative outcomes.
- A player’s Rank Confidence will slowly lower over time if the player does not play matches.
We’ve been running both matchmaking systems simultaneously behind the scenes for a while now to help us build confidence in these changes. We understand that accurate MMR is only one of many factors that impact match quality, and like all changes in this space we’re interested in hearing your feedback.
After every several months, valve starts to recalibrate the MMR (Match Making Ranking) of Dota 2 players to get more specific in matchmaking. If you are familiar with the modern rating system of Dota 2 or any other game then it’s simple for you, but it can be confusing for players with little to no experience.
Players who are back in Dota 2 after years of break, then their Dota 2 MMR Recalibration 2023 must be activated automatically on their accounts. It’s probably a big mistake to recalibrate your MMR before even practicing in unranked games, and get familiar with the new neutrals items, hero’s abilities, map awareness, and much more.
Most of the players got de-rank after the last recalibration session. if a player’s medal was ancient with 5 stars, they got de-ranked to legend or archon with 3 or 4 stars because when it comes to ranking players, valve constantly tests new methods, and new implementations also shake up the game. The ranking system of Dota 2 is way more different than it was 2 years ago.
If you want to sit where you were before the last calibration as the valve de-rank many players then recalibration is the fastest way to do it. Players can climb 500-800 MMR in the process of recalibration. Here’s everything you need to know about the MMR recalibration 2023. Just follow some tips and tricks to climb up to maximum MMR.
MMR-BOOST is providing 80% win rate on Dota 2 calibration boost service. If you need to unlock your new medal with our service, make sure you check out our prices.
Tips & Tricks for Recalibration
Learn how to counter-pick heroes. The probability of winning the game will be increased to 60% if you counter your enemy heroes. Keep in mind that, counter-picks doesn’t mean you pick a hero who you are bad at it. If a counter-pick strategy fails, then you can counter your enemy with help of your itemization build.
For example, if you are playing PA, and the enemy team picks a ghost scepter then they can be countered just by making a nullifier on PA. Always, follow the meta. If no one picking Invoker in the pro scene apart from some guys that have 2k games on the hero, you’re probably doing a big mistake picking it in your bracket. Get a good connection between what is good and what is not.
Don’t flame a guy who’s been flaming you, mute and play regardless. So many people in the 3K bracket just talking and talking about stuff totally irrelevant to what your goal is in the game (winning). What happened 20 minutes ago, happened 20 minutes ago, learn to let go and play on.
If you are good at mid in your bracket then alchemist is a good option for you. Since you’ve got a high gold advantage in the game, you can farm and push the lanes and make space for your carry. Also, you can play OD at mid, astral your enemy hero, and deny his/her creeps in order to win the lane.
Learn when your hero peaks in strength. You’re playing mid? When you’ve got items, then Probably it’s time to go fight or push the lanes instead of sitting in the jungle. When You’ve got a scepter on Slark, It might be time to go find some pick-offs instead of being in the jungle. Again, try to be mindful about when your hero is strong and try to abuse it.
When you are playing core, and your supports not buying wards then you should buy them. It’s just 80 gold. Pinging and flaming your supports to buy wards, and ruining your team morale is not worth it. Spend 80 gold, it’s much better than ruining team morale. We can tell you this by experience that 80 gold won’t ruin your item’s timing.
Mid or feed? Playing just core isn’t the only way to win Dota. when you learn how to counter-pick heroes, you can be useful with any hero at any point if your plays are skillful. Don’t be egoistic. Always try to learn some things about the game you are playing. The best to understand the meta and counter-picks strategy is to watch games of pro players and understand what they are going.
Watch kuroky or sneaking gameplay if you want to improve yourself as position 5 and learn how to control the lane from them. When you got an idea of what to do in the games, then the chances of losing will be minimized.
MMR Recalibration Date 2023
The new calibration will reset on January 23, 2023. Most of the players will be able to play 10 calibration games in order to unlock the new rank. But for those who have already used the calibration in 2022, they will be able to unlock it after 6 months.
How does Dota 2 Recalibration Work
There are lots of myths about the MMR recalibration system like no matter what’s your rank, if you recalibrate then you always gonna be lower than you were before. But with the new information, 99% chance that is not the case. Pressing the recalibration button on your ID doesn’t reset your MMR. you are still at your current MMR. except for, you can’t see anymore.
Now there’s such a thing as a different role queue MMR means, there’s hard support and soft support MMR, and there’s a carry MMR. Valve really analysis your gameplay during your recalibration games, and provide you a medal based on your skills. So, when I say valve analysis your gameplay it means they set an algorithm for every possible skill a player can make.
Your skills and stats really matter in Dota 2. it assesses your performance relative to the game outcome. For example, physical and magical damage done to your enemies, KDA, building damage, networth, etc. Like it’s supposed to evaluate your overall performance. So, try to play your best heroes when your account is in the recalibration process.
If a player won 10/10 games, he/she will get 500-800 MMR depending on skills and stats. You can predict your medal when you are in the picking phase just by noticing your allies’ and enemies’ medals. Try to win 8 games out of 10 to get your desired medal because when you lose a match in recalibration you’re gonna lose 50-70 MMR in a single match.
While playing recalibration matches, if your medal is lowest in the match then you’ll get 30-34 MMR on a win. On the other hand, if your medal is the highest in the match then you’ll gain 70-90 MMR on a win depending on your skills and how you play the game. Yes! You read it right, you’ll gain or lose double in the recalibration matches. This is why winning the matches in recalibration phrase is the most important thing.
Note: If you come back after not playing for 6 months, you will definitely lose 1k MMR or so. That’s inactivity calibration, it’s rigged to lower your MMR if you haven’t played for a while.
DOTA 2 Ranks 2023
- Herald (0-600 MMR)
- Guardian (770 – 1,386 MMR)
- Crusader (1,540 – 2,156 MMR)
- Archon (2,310 – 2,926 MMR)
- Legend (3,080 – 3,696 MMR)
- Ancient (3,850 – 4,466 MMR)
- Divine (4,620 – 5,420 MMR)
- Immortal (5420+ MMR)

Herald (0-600 MMR)
When it comes to skill distribution among ranks, herald marks the bottom of the sea. You’ll meet beginners in the bracket with little to no experience. You’ll need to improve with a lot of practice and patience to climb up your MMR. here’s a tip for you in order to improve your game.
If you are stuck in the herald bracket, watch how legends and ancient players improve their games instead of watching top-ranking players and focus on what you can do better in each game.
- Herald 1: Zero MMR
- Herald 2: 154 MMR
- Herald 3: 308 MMR
- Herald 4: 462 MMR
- Herald 5: 616 MMR
Guardian (770 – 1,386 MMR)
Matches will get more competitive when you get out of herald since most of the guardian players focus on their skills and try to improve them in Dota 2. But one thing they don’t know is, how to control rat. So, try to pick heroes who can vanish the creeps wave in a second, and deal a massive amount of building damage.
You’ll need to work on your primary role and understand what you need to do around the map. Perfecting mechanical skills like last-hitting creeps to earn gold and taking down objectives to give yourself the required push to the Crusader bracket.
- Guardian 1: 770 MMR
- Guardian 2: 924 MMR
- Guardian 3: 1,078 MMR
- Guardian 4: 1,232 MMR
- Guardian 5: 1,386 MMR
Crusader (1,540 – 2,156 MMR)
Crusader is the tier where players start studying the game. You’ll notice more people with meta picks and up-to-date item guides, which are vital aspects that can boost someone’s win rate.
The key to moving forward from Crusader to Archon is knowing what works for you and identifying what items you need to buy in different scenarios. Following a single hero guide every game may not cut it anymore since you’ll be against a different set of heroes in almost every match.
- Crusader 1: 1,540 MMR
- Crusader 2: 1,694 MMR
- Crusader 3: 1,848 MMR
- Crusader 4: 2,002 MMR
- Crusader 5: 2,156 MMR
Archon (2,310 – 2,926 MMR)
There are more than 100 heroes in Dota 2, and you can only pick five to form the ultimate lineup. Players start picking more synergy heroes in the Archon tier and have a better understanding of when they can start teamfights.
Communicating via voice chat can be the key to move out of this bracket since you’ll need to move as a unit with your team in most matches, and you should start focusing on a role that fits you.
Decide on a few heroes to master for your role so you can perform consistently in every game.
- Archon 1: 2,310 MMR
- Archon 2: 2,464 MMR
- Archon 3: 2,618 MMR
- Archon 4: 2,772 MMR
- Archon 5: 2,926 MMR
Legend (3,080 – 3,696 MMR)
The vision wars start just around when you hit the Legend rank. Players start using more wards and counter-wards to ensure they have better vision than the enemy team, which can be crucial when it comes to deciding the outcome of a game.
One of the best ways to get out of this bracket is starting to replicate what professional and high-level players do. Watch guides on YouTube and live games through Dota 2’s Watch section and try to observe every move that professional players make.
- Legend 1: 3,080 MMR
- Legend 2: 3,234 MMR
- Legend 3: 3,388 MMR
- Legend 4: 3,542 MMR
- Legend 5: 3,696 MMR
Ancient (3,850 – 4,466 MMR)
Most Ancient players have the game figured out by now and understand everything there’s to know when it comes to mechanics. While not all of them will be able to play the most mechanically intensive heroes like Meepo and Invoker, most will know what to expect from them when they’re in good hands.
A lot of patience will be required to get out of this bracket since you’ll already know most of the finer details of Dota 2. Work on your communication skills and try to become a leader in games in which your games lack one.
- Ancient 1: 3,850 MMR
- Ancient 2: 4,004 MMR
- Ancient 3: 4,158 MMR
- Ancient 4: 4,312 MMR
- Ancient 5: 4,466 MMR
Divine(4,620 – 5,420 MMR)
The Divine bracket is the waiting lobby you’ll need to power through before moving on becoming an Immortal. If you’re in this bracket, you may have what it takes to become a top-ranked player, but there may be a couple of slightly bad habits that hold you back.
Most Divine players make the mistake of playing while tilted, which makes them perform poorly. When you aren’t playing your best in this bracket, you become a liability for your team and significantly decrease your chances of winning.
Join each match to have fun and focus on what you can do better and play more efficiently.
- Divine 1: 4,620 MMR
- Divine 2: 4,820 MMR
- Divine 3: 5,020 MMR
- Divine 4: 5,220 MMR
- Divine 5: 5,420 MMR
Immortal (5420+ MMR)
Immortals are the kings of Dota 2. All Immortal players must know every in and out of the game, and each Immortal match has a high potential to be a nail-biter.
You’ll make your way to the regional rankings as you advance through the Immortal bracket and can be scouted in no time
How does the Immortal Rank work? The leaderboards
Immortal isn’t the end for the aspiring Dota 2 players. Winning games in the Immortal bracket will still grant you MMR, and you’ll start making your way to the regional leaderboards.
Your rank on the leaderboard will start displaying under your rank icon, but you’ll need to play at least one ranked game in 21 days in your region to keep it there. If you don’t meet this requirement, you’ll be removed from the leaderboard due to inactivity but still keep your MMR.
In case you are stuck with the same medal, you can check our boosting service for dota 2. It will help you increase your rank and improve your gameplay.