Dota 2 HeroTaunts: How to Use and All You Need to Know
Taunt in Dota 2 is the action or animation that your character can perform while you are inside a game. There is no purpose to the taunts while playing, they serve only as cosmetic items. Some players may utilize them offensively to create a mental game and outsmart their opponents. In this case, if you deny a couple of creeps from the enemy safelaner and then taunt him afterward, you can certainly make the game spicier. Some players, however, use taunts in Dota 2 only for fun, as they do so while they farm or move from one area of the map to another.
Now, we take a look at how you use the taunt in Dota 2 and also at some of the best and the cheapest ones available in the game.
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How to Use Taunts: Activation Hotkey
Dota 2 taunts can be used by pressing the assigned hotkey to the option which by default will be ‘T.’ If you wish the assign a different hotkey, here are the steps.
Open Dota 2 and go to Settings.
Click on ‘Advanced Options’ at the bottom.
Under Unit Actions, you will find the term ‘Taunt Item.’
Assign a hotkey.
If you want to use the default key then to taunt your opponents in DOTA 2, press the “T” key. This key can be used for a taunt next only after an 8-second cooldown(but this cooldown is increasing in new patches). You can even customize this and have your own key-bind assigned via a hotkey to taunt in DOTA 2.
Ensure you have a taunt equipped from your inventory before you proceed to join a game. There are 2 types of taunts you can employ in DOTA 2. The first set of taunts are those from pre-2021 which require you to maintain a still frame in order to play the animation. The second set launched post-2021 are ones that you can use while moving and mostly autoplay. Both of these had their revisions thanks to the International Compendium in 2022.
All new Dota 2 Taunts - TI10 Dota 2 Taunts
Before we get into the all Dota 2 Taunts, i’d like you all to see the new Dota 2 Taunts that released in ti10 update.
Heres the video for all new dota 2 taunts in 2 minuets of The International 10.
Dota 2 Taunt Autoplay
Taunts that were released before the TI5 Compendium (name changed to Battle Pass from 2016) are usable while standing still only. They also do not autoplay.
It is possible for taunts to play automatically if they are triggered by some in-game actions which are: (data taken from Dota 2 Gamepedia)
When Town Portal Scroll or Boots of Travel are used at 15% HP or lower.
After diving into a tower and killing an enemy and escaping with 15% HP or less.
Following an enemy teamwipe.
When you deny a Rune.
When you kill a courier.
When you deny an ally hero.
Dota 2 All Hero Taunt
Here’s a list of all in-game heroes that have taunts you can use in DOTA 2.
- Alchemist Taunt
- Anti-Mage Taunt
- Axe Taunt
- Batrider Taunt
- Beastmaster Taunt
- Brewmaster Taunt
- Centaur Warruner Taunt
- Chaos Knight Taunt
- Clinkz Taunt
- Clockwerk Taunt
- Crystal Maiden Taunt
- Dark Willow Taunt
- Death Prophet Taunt
- Earth Spirit Taunt
- Enigma Taunt
- Faceless Void Taunt
- Grimstroke Taunt
- Gyrocopter Taunt
- Invoker Taunt
- Jakiro Taunt
- Juggernaut Taunt
- Kunkka Taunt
- Legion Commander Taunt
- Leshrac Taunt
- Lich Taunt
- Lifestealer Taunt
- Lina Taunt
- Lion Taunt
- Luna Taunt
- Magnus Taunt
- Mirana Taunt
- Monkey King Taunt
- Nature’s Prophet Taunt
- Omniknight Taunt
- Pangolier Taunt
- Phantom Assassin Taunt
- Phoenix Taunt
- Pudge Taunt
- Pugna Taunt
- Riki Taunt
- Rubick taunt
- Shadow Fiend Taunt
- Shadow Shaman Taunt
- Skywrath Mage Taunt
- Slardar Taunt
- Slark Taunt
- Sniper Taunt
- Spirit Breaker Taunt
- Storm Spirit Taunt
- Techies Taunt
- Tidehunter Taunt
- Tiny Taunt
- Troll Warlord Taunt
- Tusk Taunt
- Undying Taunt
- Ursa Taunt
- Vengeful Spirit Taunt
- Venomancer Taunt
- Weaver Taunt
- Windranger Taunt
- Witch Doctor Taunt
- Wraith King Taunt
- Zeus Taunt
That’s pretty much all there is to know about Taunts in DOTA 2 and how you can use them in-game. We hope this guide was of assistance to you. Remember that though taunts are meant to be a bit of a flex statement, it’s important to keep toxicity out of the game. This has been iterated time and again by the developers as well. If you’re an avid player of the game who loves using taunts, you’ll love having your camera latched onto your character. Here’s a guide to help you learn how to lock your camera in DOTA 2 onto your hero’s screen.
Best Dota 2 Taunts
In total, 80 heroes have at least one taunt available in the market at the time of writing. Here are our top ten Dota 2 taunts.
Mars (Taunt: Get the Blood Flowing)
In this taunt, Mars demonstrates a few of his dance skills and then a little fighting with his spear and armor. It has great animation and sound and is one of the newest taunts in the game. You seem to jam with it as players.

Lifestealer (Taunt: Chain Break Dance)
With a chain tied to his right hand, Lifestealer rotates around his place while showing off his breakdance moves. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $1.20 USD.

Leshrac (Taunt: Party On? Party Off!)
Leshrac, fondly known as “Disco Pony” points his finger up and makes an impressive round of dancing with a disco light shining on top of him. Also, the music is an appropriate choice, making it a top-tier taunt. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $2.77.

Lion (Taunt: To Hell and Back!)
In a to-and-fro movement, Lion extends his hands and feet while showing off his dancing moves. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $0.78.
Clockwerk (Taunt: Do the Robot!)
As he performs some robotic moves on some accurate beats, Clockwerk adds a little street dance to the taunt foray. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $0.25.
Nature’s Prophet (Taunt: Make It Rain)
Nature’s Prophet has the sickest dance moves in the Dota 2 taunt list with a total of three dancing taunts. As the music is perfect, and the hero spins his shaft like a pro, ‘Make It Rain’ is the best of the three. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $0.30.
Faceless Void (Taunt: Timeless Classic)
With his hands, Faceless Void performs some old-school moves, followed by a little stunt with his weapon. Moreover, the Backtrack ability is also used while he dances, which is a very entertaining animation. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $1.01.
Earth Spirit (Taunt: Dirt Surfer)
The Earth Spirit moves away from the dancing circle as he surfs on his Boulder. Out of all the taunts, this one has the best animation. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $0.14.
Tidehunter (Taunt: Backstroke!)
Tidehunter goes swimming as he makes a backstroke move, flapping his feet in the tiny puddle of water that is created. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $0.54.
Ursa (Taunt: Not Just Your Average Bear)
Ursa performs some circus moves, rides a unicycle, and plays two instruments. It has an outstanding sound and animation synergy as well. It is currently available in the Steam Market at $1.27.
Cheapest Dota 2 Taunts
Taunts start as low as $0.05 USD at the time of writing this article. Here are the top ten cheapest Dota 2 taunts.
Beastmaster (Taunt: Beat Master) at $0.05
Phoenix (Taunt: Cold Breakfast) at $0.05
Techies (Taunt: Techies Squint and Laugh) at $0.06
Batrider (Taunt: Hang Loose!) at $0.08
Alchemist (Taunt: Ogre Hop) at $0.09
Pugna (Taunt: Check This Out!) at $0.09
Techies (Taunt: We Have Liftoff) at $0.10
Jakiro (Taunt: Fluid Mechanics) at $0.12
Clinkz (Taunt: Xylobones) at $0.12
Enigma (Taunt: Enigmatic Style) at $0.12
Dota 2 All hero Taunt
Here’s a video of all Dota 2 all Hero Taunts in 2022