Dota 2: 5 Broken Hero Combos for Free Wins – Patch 7.33d

Dota 2 released a new patch and with a new patch comes some unexpected broken combos for easy wins.

The developers of Dota 2 make sure to release a new patch every once in a while to 

  • fix bugs and glitches, 
  • buff or nerf heroes, 
  • And change items and maps.

They do this to make sure the game stays entertaining and balanced. Every new patch has some kinds of surprises hidden in them such as broken hero combos, farming patterns etc. and it is safe to say, everyone loves to take advantage of them to gain some free MMR!

You have to make sure you are the first to discover these broken hero combos, as players start using them against you or simply banning them when they discover what a menace these combos can be!

Before we start, we are offering affordable dota 2 boost service for our new customers. Make sure you get an advantage of that offer. 

Dota 2 Boost in Radiant and Dire

Undying and Medusa

Dota 2 characters

For this combo to work you would need to play or have an Undying hard support (position 5) and a Medusa carry (position 1). These heroes’ timing in the laning stage makes this combo broken. Undying is one of the strongest supports in this patch. With the hero spamming its decay ability in the lane, you simply can’t ignore this support unlike others as if you do so, you will be dead in no time. 

Undying compliments Medusa as with his harass, Medusa is able to free farm and once Medusa is farmed, it’s almost impossible to kill her. If enemies try to jump Medusa in the lane, Undying can always use tombstone to distract them or to simply slow them down giving Medusa enough time to run away safely.

Skywrath Mage and Primal Beast

Like Undying, Skywrath Mage is a headache to play against due to its constant spell harass. Many position 5 supports like Shaman and Crystal Maiden are weak early game. Hence, Skywrath is able to zone them out of the lane as a position 4 support, making the enemy carry exposed to all the danger that is about to come. With the Concussive Shot ability, Skywrath is able to cripple the enemy heroes for a short duration and that is when Primal Beast as an Offlaner can destroy them using his strong Trample ability. Furthermore, no hero can escape the deadly combo of Pulverize and Mystic Flare at least till they get their Black King Bar.

The Skywrath Mage and Primal Beast combo gets even more deadly once you get a rod of Atos on Skywrath. With the enemy hero held in place you can deal burst damage to them with the Mystic Flare ultimate of Skywrath. Side by side Primal can use Trample to stomp the enemy hero down.

IO, Leshrac and Dark Seer

Dota 2 Heroes

Now unlike other combos discussed, this is a 3 hero combo. It is important to address this combo as it is being abused by pro teams like Gaimin Gladiators as well. If a pro team is using a combo repeatedly, you know it works!

For this combo to work, you need a support IO, an offlane Dark Seer and a mid Leshrac.

Leshrac has been buffed in this new patch of 7.33d. This is the reason one can say that Leshrac is one of the most reliable heroes in Dota at this moment. The lightning storm has been buffed making this hero strong in laning phase. IO and Dark Seer haven’t been buffed that much so the question to ask is, ‘how is this combo broken?’

Well, this combo starts to show its magic when you get your bloodstone on Leshrac, Holy Locket on IO and Dark Seer with Mechanism or Guardian Greaves. The reason the heroes get so broken after these items is as follows:

Leshrac with a bloodstone is hard to kill with the spell life-steal given by the item when activated. Similarly IO would constantly heal the Leshrac through its tether and boost its spell amplification increasing the spell life steal through the bloodstone making it even harder to kill Leshrac.

Dark Seer plays a similar role in this combo. Through the Mechanism of Dark Seer, it is able to heal Leshrac for 275 health while also healing IO for the same amount. As IO gains health, it is able to further heal the Leshrac if it is tethered to the hero, making it a chain reaction and healing Leshrac for a total of 600 health.

This is where the problem arises for the enemy team as you just don’t have enough damage to kill the Leshrac, let alone the rest of the team! And if you somehow manage to get one of the heroes in this combo low, Dark Seer can surge that hero to help it escape or IO can simply relocate.

Storm and Pugna

Dota 2 heroes

Storm is a strong laning hero, hard to dominate at mid. Even if Storm doesn’t do well in the lane, it can always rotate and get some kills fast as soon as he reaches level 6. Similarly if you can’t gank and the only option is to afk farm in the jungle, Pugna can provide you with infinite mana through its life drain spell. 

Pugna is a strong support, giving ample damage through its Nether Blast and taking towers with ease. It is quite similar to Skywrath Mage, as Pugna also possesses the ability to burst down enemy heroes with its high damage spells. So as a Pugna, you can always provide your cores with a good lane after killing the enemy core a few times and then stick with your mid laner to help him farm and gank. 

You must be thinking, if Pugna only has to provide mana to storm, why not pick Keeper of the Light for this combo? Well Keeper of the Light does provide mana but at the same time it is a hero that is easy to kill. It has no escape abilities and once you are caught, you are dead. Pugna on the other hand has Decrepify, a spell that makes you immune to physical damage. This allows the hero to escape from right click heroes like a Sven or a Legion Commander. At the same time, if Storm gets dueled by a Legion Commander or gets caught up in a Faceless Void Chronosphere, you can always Decrepify the Storm and help him live another day!


ALSO READ: Complete Storm Spirit Hero Guide

Doom and a Carry that Delays the Game

Doom is one of the best scaling heroes in the game for this patch as with the Aghanim’s Scepter on the hero, you can counter almost everything. A nullifier on a team mate is like a cherry on top with the Doom Aghanim. 

A Carry that delays the game is a Carry that either dominates its lane or pushes the lanes safely. A Carry like Morphling or TerrorBlade are good for this combo as they are strong laning heroes and can safely push out lanes as well. Morphling is generally a hard to kill hero so it can safely push out the lanes while TerrorBlade swamps the map with his strong illusions, pushing the lanes with ease. 

As the lanes get pushed further and further, it takes time for the enemy heroes to end the game and this enables Doom to farm its Aghanim and other aura items like Shivas Guard. With so many aura items, the Doom becomes impossible to fight with and the only option you are left with as an enemy, is to run!  With all heroes focusing on killing the Doom, heroes like Morphling or TerrorBlade wipe out the enemies due to their high damage while the Doom tanks all the damage for them. So the choice is yours, die trying to kill the Doom or pack your bags and run!

With all of these combos you can easily gain MMR, just make sure you have the perfect item timings and a partner to use this combo with. Still if you are facing issue incrasing MMR, you can visit our Dota 2 Coaching Services. 

Dota 2 released a new patch and with a new patch comes some unexpected broken combos for easy wins.

The developers of Dota 2 make sure to release a new patch every once in a while to 

  • fix bugs and glitches, 
  • buff or nerf heroes, 
  • And change items and maps.

They do this to make sure the game stays entertaining and balanced. Every new patch has some kinds of surprises hidden in them such as broken hero combos, farming patterns etc. and it is safe to say, everyone loves to take advantage of them to gain some free MMR!

You have to make sure you are the first to discover these broken hero combos, as players start using them against you or simply banning them when they discover what a menace these combos can be!

Before we start, we are offering affordable dota 2 boost service for our new customers. Make sure you get an advantage of that offer. 

Dota 2 Boost in Radiant and Dire

Undying and Medusa

Dota 2 characters

For this combo to work you would need to play or have an Undying hard support (position 5) and a Medusa carry (position 1). These heroes’ timing in the laning stage makes this combo broken. Undying is one of the strongest supports in this patch. With the hero spamming its decay ability in the lane, you simply can’t ignore this support unlike others as if you do so, you will be dead in no time. 

Undying compliments Medusa as with his harass, Medusa is able to free farm and once Medusa is farmed, it’s almost impossible to kill her. If enemies try to jump Medusa in the lane, Undying can always use tombstone to distract them or to simply slow them down giving Medusa enough time to run away safely.

Skywrath Mage and Primal Beast

Like Undying, Skywrath Mage is a headache to play against due to its constant spell harass. Many position 5 supports like Shaman and Crystal Maiden are weak early game. Hence, Skywrath is able to zone them out of the lane as a position 4 support, making the enemy carry exposed to all the danger that is about to come. With the Concussive Shot ability, Skywrath is able to cripple the enemy heroes for a short duration and that is when Primal Beast as an Offlaner can destroy them using his strong Trample ability. Furthermore, no hero can escape the deadly combo of Pulverize and Mystic Flare at least till they get their Black King Bar.

The Skywrath Mage and Primal Beast combo gets even more deadly once you get a rod of Atos on Skywrath. With the enemy hero held in place you can deal burst damage to them with the Mystic Flare ultimate of Skywrath. Side by side Primal can use Trample to stomp the enemy hero down.

IO, Leshrac and Dark Seer

Dota 2 Heroes

Now unlike other combos discussed, this is a 3 hero combo. It is important to address this combo as it is being abused by pro teams like Gaimin Gladiators as well. If a pro team is using a combo repeatedly, you know it works!

For this combo to work, you need a support IO, an offlane Dark Seer and a mid Leshrac.

Leshrac has been buffed in this new patch of 7.33d. This is the reason one can say that Leshrac is one of the most reliable heroes in Dota at this moment. The lightning storm has been buffed making this hero strong in laning phase. IO and Dark Seer haven’t been buffed that much so the question to ask is, ‘how is this combo broken?’

Well, this combo starts to show its magic when you get your bloodstone on Leshrac, Holy Locket on IO and Dark Seer with Mechanism or Guardian Greaves. The reason the heroes get so broken after these items is as follows:

Leshrac with a bloodstone is hard to kill with the spell life-steal given by the item when activated. Similarly IO would constantly heal the Leshrac through its tether and boost its spell amplification increasing the spell life steal through the bloodstone making it even harder to kill Leshrac.

Dark Seer plays a similar role in this combo. Through the Mechanism of Dark Seer, it is able to heal Leshrac for 275 health while also healing IO for the same amount. As IO gains health, it is able to further heal the Leshrac if it is tethered to the hero, making it a chain reaction and healing Leshrac for a total of 600 health.

This is where the problem arises for the enemy team as you just don’t have enough damage to kill the Leshrac, let alone the rest of the team! And if you somehow manage to get one of the heroes in this combo low, Dark Seer can surge that hero to help it escape or IO can simply relocate.

Storm and Pugna

Dota 2 heroes

Storm is a strong laning hero, hard to dominate at mid. Even if Storm doesn’t do well in the lane, it can always rotate and get some kills fast as soon as he reaches level 6. Similarly if you can’t gank and the only option is to afk farm in the jungle, Pugna can provide you with infinite mana through its life drain spell. 

Pugna is a strong support, giving ample damage through its Nether Blast and taking towers with ease. It is quite similar to Skywrath Mage, as Pugna also possesses the ability to burst down enemy heroes with its high damage spells. So as a Pugna, you can always provide your cores with a good lane after killing the enemy core a few times and then stick with your mid laner to help him farm and gank. 

You must be thinking, if Pugna only has to provide mana to storm, why not pick Keeper of the Light for this combo? Well Keeper of the Light does provide mana but at the same time it is a hero that is easy to kill. It has no escape abilities and once you are caught, you are dead. Pugna on the other hand has Decrepify, a spell that makes you immune to physical damage. This allows the hero to escape from right click heroes like a Sven or a Legion Commander. At the same time, if Storm gets dueled by a Legion Commander or gets caught up in a Faceless Void Chronosphere, you can always Decrepify the Storm and help him live another day!


ALSO READ: Complete Storm Spirit Hero Guide

Doom and a Carry that Delays the Game

Doom is one of the best scaling heroes in the game for this patch as with the Aghanim’s Scepter on the hero, you can counter almost everything. A nullifier on a team mate is like a cherry on top with the Doom Aghanim. 

A Carry that delays the game is a Carry that either dominates its lane or pushes the lanes safely. A Carry like Morphling or TerrorBlade are good for this combo as they are strong laning heroes and can safely push out lanes as well. Morphling is generally a hard to kill hero so it can safely push out the lanes while TerrorBlade swamps the map with his strong illusions, pushing the lanes with ease. 

As the lanes get pushed further and further, it takes time for the enemy heroes to end the game and this enables Doom to farm its Aghanim and other aura items like Shivas Guard. With so many aura items, the Doom becomes impossible to fight with and the only option you are left with as an enemy, is to run!  With all heroes focusing on killing the Doom, heroes like Morphling or TerrorBlade wipe out the enemies due to their high damage while the Doom tanks all the damage for them. So the choice is yours, die trying to kill the Doom or pack your bags and run!

With all of these combos you can easily gain MMR, just make sure you have the perfect item timings and a partner to use this combo with. Still if you are facing issue incrasing MMR, you can visit our Dota 2 Coaching Services.