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What is Dota 2
Dota 2 is an action RTS computer game developed by Valve Corporation . The game was announced on October 13, 2010, and released on July 9, 2013 for Windows, and for Linux and OS X on July 18, 2013. The game is distributed according to the Free to Play model. Dota 2 is an implementation of the famous Defense of the Ancients map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the Aeon of Strife map for StarCraft.
Before going further, we are porviding Dota 2 Boost for all our readers and they can make us play any hero they wish to learn. So that you can watch and learn later. However you can also ask for a Dota 2 coach.
Dota 2 Game Process
Dota 2 is a combination of RTS and RPG. Players are divided into two competing teams (the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness), each containing up to five players. The main goal of the game is to destroy the enemy Ancient and protect your own. The ancients are protected by three towers on each side. Each player controls a hero, a strategically powerful unit with unique abilities and stats that improve over time. The hero can gain experience to increase his level, earn gold, buy and collect items that strengthen him. Each player constantly receives a small amount of gold, and also earns it by killing creeps, heroes and destroying buildings.
Dota 2 has a strong emphasis on tactics and teamwork, and strategy is often tied to speeding up power, optimal item selection, and order of ability upgrades.
According to the hero role ability and strategy Dota 2 Heroes are divided into three categories : Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
All heroes in Dota 2 are unique characters. At the beginning of each game, players are divided into two teams of five people, and then they choose a hero. Each player controls their hero and controlled creatures (for example, neutral creeps and etc)
All Dota 2 Heroes - What are Dota 2 Heroes
When you first load into a Dota 2 match, the first order of business will be picking yourself a hero, the designation for the game’s characters. Though it may look simple at first, picking the hero that suits your style the most can be a difficult task by itself due to Dota 2’s colossal pool of characters.
As of now, after introducing Primal Beast in the game, there are now 122 heroes in Dota 2, and each of them belongs to a certain playstyle group that you’ll need to adapt to after picking a character and category, as mentioned before. Some heroes will be viable as hard carries while others will shine as supports. Some will be more versatile than others and will do just fine in different roles.
How many Dota 2 heroes are there?
Every player will have their favorite hero to play, but you may not always get the chance to pick your signature hero due to counters or your team’s lineup. If you’re looking to increase your odds of winning, you’ll need to pick a hero that both clicks with your team and works well against your enemies.
Professional players tend to have large hero pools, which allow them to be flexible. As a casual player, you won’t need to master all the heroes in the game because the chance of your favorite hero getting banned in a ranked match will be relatively low unless it’s one of the most popular heroes in the current meta. Pick two or three heroes to master. This will give you some options even if your favorite hero gets banned, and you’ll be able to adapt to different situations.
Unlike Riot Games’ League of Legends, Dota 2 gets less than a handful of heroes every year. While Riot aims to release five to six champions every year, Dota 2 fans receive one or two heroes yearly. Here are all the currently available heroes in Dota 2.
Dota 2 Heroes

As of now, after introducing Primal Beast in the game, there are now 122 heroes in Dota 2. However unlike any other game Dota 2 fans receive one or two heroes yearly. Here are all the currently available heroes in Dota 2.
- Abaddon
- Alchemist
- Ancient Apparition
- Anti-Mage
- Arc Warden
- Axe
- Bane
- Batrider
- Beastmaster
- Bloodseeker
- Bounty Hunter
- Brewmaster
- Bristleback
- Broodmother
- Centaur Warrunner
- Chaos Knight
- Chen
- Clinkz
- Clockwerk
- Crystal Maiden
- Dark Seer
- Dark Willow
- Dawnbreaker
- Dazzle
- Death Prophet
- Disruptor
- Doom
- Dragon Knight
- Drow Ranger
- Earth Spirit
- Earthshaker
- Elder Titan
- Ember Spirit
- Enchantress
- Enigma
- Faceless Void
- Grimstroke
- Gyrocopter
- Hoodwink
- Huskar
- Invoker
- Io
- Jakiro
- Juggernaut
- Keeper of the Light
- Kunkka
- Legion Commander
- Leshrac
- Lich
- Lifestealer
- Lina
- Lion
- Lone Druid
- Luna
- Lycan
- Magnus
- Mars
- Medusa
- Meepo
- Mirana
- Monkey King
- Morphling
- Naga Siren
- Nature’s Prophet
- Necrophos
- Night Stalker
- Nyx Assassin
- Ogre Magi
- Omniknight
- Oracle
- Outworld Destroyer
- Pangolier
- Phantom Assassin
- Phantom Lancer
- Phoenix
- Primal Beast
- Puck
- Pudge
- Pugna
- Queen of Pain
- Razor
- Riki
- Rubick
- Sand King
- Shadow Demon
- Shadow Fiend
- Shadow Shaman
- Silencer
- Skywrath Mage
- Slardar
- Slark
- Snapfire
- Sniper
- Spectre
- Spirit Breaker
- Storm Spirit
- Sven
- Techies
- Templar Assassin
- Terrorblade
- Tidehunter
- Timbersaw
- Tinker
- Tiny
- Treant Protector
- Troll Warlord
- Tusk
- Underlord
- Undying
- Ursa
- Vengeful Spirit
- Venomancer
- Viper
- Visage
- Void Spirit
- Warlock
- Weaver
- Windranger
- Winter Wyvern
- Witch Doctor
- Wraith King
- Zeus
Frequently Asked Questions