Storm Spirit Dota 2
Storm spirit is an Intelligence hero usually played as a mid, it is one of the most popular heroes in dota 2 and one of the most popular mid heroes because of his high skill ceiling and flashy, high risk high reward playstyle.
Storm spirit Lore.
According to lore storm spirit is a literal force of nature and one of the four spirit brothers, Ember, void and earth spirit.

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Storm Spirit Spells and Talents.
Static Remnant: Places and explosive remnant at the hero’s location that explodes after 1 second and deals 120/180/240/300 damage in 260 area of effect.
Electric Vortex: Storm spirit pulls the targeted hero towards himself stunning the target for 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6. Becomes an aoe spell that pulls all nearby heroes after aghanim’s scepter upgrade.
Overload: Everytime storm spirit uses a spells he gains an overload charge which is released and consumed with the next attack dealing bonus magical damage and slowing the target and nearby units.
Ball Lightning: Ultimate spell that allows storm spirit to zip around on the map dealing damage and consuming mana based on the distance travelled.
Hero Talents
Best Items Built for Storm Spirit
Starting items:
- Iron Branch:
Iron branch is a good cheap item for stats, It is a good item for storm spirit in the midlane since he gets a bit of health and some mana and can be consumed with a tango for extra health regen which is really helpful for midlaners. - Tangoes:
Cheap health regeneration that allows storm spirit to trade attacks in the midlane. - Mantle of Intelligence:
Gives a little mana and attack damage boost in the early game which is helpful for a midlane storm spirit and can be upgraded to a null talisman.
Healing Salve:
Good item for storm spirit in the midlane for trading attacks and getting some farm while under pressure.
Early Game Items for Storm Spirit
- Bottle:
Bottle is the most important early game item for storm spirit in the midlane. It allows storm spirit to sustain his heavy mana usage and allows him to gank with runes and his superior mobility. - Null Talisman:
Gives storm spirit a good mix of stats, useful attack damage, intelligence, mana regeneration, mana and mana cost reduction. Buying two or three null talismans can be good on storm spirit because it gives good attributes and mana cost reduction allowing you to use ball lighting more and more ganks possible. - Magic Stick:
Magic stick is a must have item for not only storm spirit, but any hero. It is extremely cost effective and provides a good attribute boost along with a burst heal and mana regen which can be extremely useful for a hero like storm spirit. - Infused Raindrops:
It is a very cost-effective item that provides a mana regen boost and allows storm spirit to lane against matchups which rely on heavy magic nukes and spell spam like Lina, Pugna, Shadow Fiend and Zeus Etc. - Boots of Speed:
Boots of speed is an important item for nearly every hero in the game, One should get it as soon as possible in the early game.
Mid Game Storm Spirit items for patch 7.31c
- Power Treads:
Allows storm spirit to tread switch and get the most health and mana regeneration from Bottle, can be switch to strength to make you more survivable or intelligence to get more attack damage and mana pool. - Orchid Malevolence:
One of the best and extremely powerful items you can buy on storm spirit as it greatly amplifies his damage output and his ganking potential and is a really strong power spike in the midgame. The attack speed and intelligence bonuses allows storm spirit to use his physical attacks instead of just relying on spells to deal damage. Mana regen bonus allows you to remain on the battlefield longer. Orchid also has an active that silences which allows storm spirit to be a good pickoff hero and a counter to most mobile heroes and supports such as Anti mage, Ember Spirit, Queen of Pain, weaver and most squishy supports.
Orchid Malevolence can later be upgraded to Bloodthorne in the late game. - Kaya:
Kaya gives a good intelligence, damage, mana regen, mana pool boost which is important in the midgame for storm spirit because he relies heavily on mana pool and mana regen. Reduces the downtime and allows him to be more active on the battlefield. Can also be upgraded to Kaya and Sange later on. - Black King Bar:
Black king bar is very important item on storm spirit especially against heavy stuns, silences and roots. In some games when there isn’t much lockdown or silences, storm spirit can afford to buy it later on in the game as it allows storm spirit to focus on his target without caring about disables and silences.
Late Game Storm Spirit Item Built
- Linken’s Sphere:
Linken’s sphere gives storm spirit good mix of attributes and increased mana regen. It has a passive which blocks targeted spells every 12 seconds which is really strong on storm spirits as it negates instant stuns, silences and hexes which allows just enough time for him to escape making the hero even more elusive. - Sange and Kaya:
Sange and Kaya is a popular mid to late game item on storm spirit as it provides good mana pool and mana regen along with strength and status resistance making the already elusive hero even more tanky, strong vs heavy stun lineups. - Scythe of Vyse:
Scythe of Vyse or more commonly know as “hex” or “sheepstick” is a strong late game item on storm spirit. It makes the map less accessible for the enemy team because of great pickoff potential of this item combined with storm spirit’s skillset. It is very strong against elusive heroes like anti-mage, ember spirit, queen of pain and puck etc.
Shiva’s Guard:
Strong late game teamfight item that gives intelligence, armor and an active that slows in a massive aoe. It is a good item against physical cores like Phantom assassin, Faceless void etc
Situational Items on Storm Spirit
- Dagon:
It can be a good item when storm spirit is snowballing and has already amassed a good gold and objective lead. Dagon’s burst damage combined with his spell combo can kill almost any hero in the game. - Eul’s Scepter of Divinity:
It is a good item against silences and roots or when playing against ursa or troll warlord as it allows you to kite them during teamfights.
Octarine Core:
Can make storm spirit even harder to bring down because of its health and mana bonuses. Cooldown reduction can be useful too with other active items.
Pros and Cons of Storm Spirit
- Very mobile hero capable of pick offs and can reliably get solo kills.
- Has a good matchup against many usual mid heroes.
- Can flash farm with abilities.
- Good rune control.
- Great ganking potential and not as vulnerable to ganks thanks to high mobility.
- Low cooldown spells.
Very high potential of snowballing from early game.
- Vulnerable to ganks in the laning stage before level 6.
- Farm dependent.
- Relatively difficult hero to utilize properly.
- Requires proper mana management to be effective.
- Kind of useless in early game agaist mana burning heroes like nyx, and Antimage.
Dies instantly with mana void and few other spells unless you have BKB or Linkin.
Storm spirit Counters
Anti-mage is a hard counter to storm spirit due to his high magic resistance and item build, storm spirit can’t really get a solo kill on him and his mana burn + mana void combo is very effective against storm spirit.
Dream coil and waning rift are very effective vs storm spirit because he cannot use ball lightning while dream coiled.
Dooms ultimate “DOOM” is the ultimate counter for storm spirit, Once doomed storm spirit is pretty much dead, so you have to target doom or wait for him to use his ultimate on someone else first. Linken’s Sphere is also a good item when playing against Doom.
Other counters are those heroes with one or more silences or stuns like Lion, Shadow Shaman, Skywrath Mage and Silencer etc.
Heroes Storm Spirit is Good against:
Storm spirit is good against heroes that are vulnerable and like to sit behind their frontliners in team fight. Because of his great mobility and pick off potential, storm spirit likes to zip past the frontlines to get the support and damage dealers in the backline. Heroes that are most vulnerable to storm spirit are
- Sniper
- Zeus
- Arc Warden
- Lina
And most support and core heroes that lack an escape mechanism like Ancient Apparition, Silencer, Shadow Demon and Chen etc.
Storm Spirit Tips and Tricks
- Overload charge can be gained by using a spell while the auto attack is in the air.
- Casting Ball Lightning on your portrait can be used to dodge projectiles and get an overload charge.
- All items and spells can be cast during Ball Lightning.
- The more distance covered during Ball Lightning the more damage will be dealt.
- Static remnants give flying vision and can be used to prevent enemies from juking in the trees.
- Static remnants have a 12 second active time so they can be stacked to deal more damage.
- Ball Lightning can be used to kill the creeps during a siege to prevent the enemy from going high ground.
- You can Teleport out during Ball Lightning, so it is a good way to escape ganks and ambushes.
- Aghanim’s Scepter is a good upgrade that turns electric vortex into a mini blackhole which is good for team fights.
- Ball Lightning can be used aggressively to bait the enemy team to use their spells or force an enemy carry to waste his black king bar.
Watch a video to know more about Storm Spirit
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